Seems to be like one wants to make use of CalendarLibEC from Shane (
use script "CalendarLib EC" model "1.1.5"
use AppleScript model "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
-- Change variables beneath
set SourceCalendarName to "VV Principal"
set DestinationCalendarName to "VV Mirror"
set meetingProxy to "VV Assembly"
set addRecurringEvents to false
set numberofdays to 7
-- Modifications shouldn't be required beneath, however proceed at your personal danger
set at present to present date
set startDay to (at present)
set time of startDay to 0
set endDay to (startDay + (numberofdays * days))
set numberOfEventsAdded to 0
set numberofEventsFailedtoCopy to 0
set theStore to («occasion !Cls!fst»)
-- The unique script solely compares occasions' begin and finish dates.
set destCal to («occasion !CLs!fca» DestinationCalendarName given «class !Cty»:«fixed !Tct!TtC», «class !Cst»:theStore) -- change calendar sort to swimsuit
set existingEventList to («occasion !CLs!feS» given «class !Csd»:startDay, «class !Ced»:endDay, «class !Csc»:{destCal}, «class !Cst»:theStore)
repeat with thisEvent in existingEventList
set {event_start_date:startDate, event_end_date:endDate} to («occasion !CLs!inf» given «class !Cev»:thisEvent)
set thisEvent's contents to {startDate, endDate}
finish repeat
set existingEventDates to existingEventList -- Use a unique variable now for readability.
-- Get the supply calendar occasions which fall throughout the identical date vary.
set sourceCal to («occasion !CLs!fca» SourceCalendarName given «class !Cty»:«fixed !Tct!TtC», «class !Cst»:theStore) -- change to swimsuit
set sourceEventList to («occasion !CLs!feS» given «class !Csd»:startDay, «class !Ced»:endDay, «class !Csc»:{sourceCal}, «class !Cst»:theStore)
repeat with eventIdx from 1 to size of sourceEventList
set newEvent to merchandise eventIdx of sourceEventList
-- Get the information of curiosity for every supply occasion.
set {event_external_ID:eventID, event_start_date:startDate, event_end_date:endDate, all_day:isAllday, event_is_recurring:isRecurring} to («occasion !CLs!inf» given «class !Cev»:newEvent)
-- If its begin and finish dates aren't in existingEventDates, create a brand new occasion utilizing the Calendar appplication..
if (existingEventDates doesn't comprise {{startDate, endDate}}) then
inform software "Calendar"
set destEvent to (make new occasion at finish of calendar DestinationCalendarName's occasions with properties {begin date:startDate, finish date:endDate, abstract:meetingProxy, allday occasion:isAllday})
if addRecurringEvents is true then
if (isRecurring) then
set destEvent's recurrence to recurrence of occasion id eventID of calendar SourceCalendarName
finish if
finish if
set finish of existingEventDates to {startDate, endDate} -- if required
set numberOfEventsAdded to numberOfEventsAdded + 1
finish inform
finish if
on error errMsg quantity -10000 --*** -L_NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:]: object can't be nil (key: event_creation_date)
set eventIdx to {eventIdx + 1}
set numberofEventsFailedtoCopy to (numberofEventsFailedtoCopy + 1)
finish strive
finish repeat